How to Cheer Someone Up ^^

Whenever I see someone who looks down, I always want to go up to them and....

                                   Turn that frown upside down!!!             

But....HOW DO YOU DO THAT?!?!??

First Step: Find the Reason
   Ask the person how they are doing and what is bothering them.
Find out the reason of the poopy look on his/her face!

Second Step: Talk it Through
   After finding out the main reason, talk through the problem with him/her. Let him/her tell you the story and listen well. Comment on what he/she is saying.

Third Step: Opinion
   Give he/she your opinion on the whole situation. If you agree to what he/she is saying, tell him/her.
If you disagree to what he/she is saying, let him/her know, but not harshly! Use a comforting, soft voice.

Fourth Step: Advice
   After letting him/her know your opinion of the story, give him/her some advice to solve the problem.
If you have agreed with him/her, just put yourself in his/her shoe, and ask yourself what you would do to solve the whole problem. After you think through the solutions yourself, tell him/her.
However, if you have disagreed to what he/she had said, give him/her some good advices to help him/her right him/her own wrongs. While you are giving advices, you may use the words: "I think you should..." or "Maybe...".

Fifth Step: Summary
   Give him/her a simple summary of his/her situation. Make it simple and don't make it sound complicating!
Remind him/her the advices you gave him/her. Tell him/her that it is not a big problem at all, and that he/she should just relax and fix it without any sweat.

    Now you have cheered up a person!!!!  Whoooooot!

Cheering people up isn't just to make other people happy. In fact, whenever I cheer someone up, I always feel really happy at the end myself!
                          :)    :)   :)   :)                       =)   =)   =)  =)