Memories of 8th Grade

I've had lots of happy memories in eighth grade, but one of my most happiest memories was at the first day of school of the semester...

    I was really excited as I walked up the stairs from second floor to fifth floor, where our classroom is. I was eager to see my friends after the long one-month Spring break. As I entered the classroom, my friends greeted me happily, and I was filled with joy. We chatted for a long time, and then A NEW GIRL walks into our classroom. I saw Mrs. Wu, our teacher, talking to the new girl, and I immediately noticed the empty seat beside me. I was nervous....Is she going to sit next to me?! Just then, Ms. Wu told me to raise my hand, and she told the girl to sit next to me. I turned my head back to look at my best friend Joanne. Joanne started laughing since she saw my nervous face.

    As soon as the girl sat, I started to think about every detail of my movement. I kept turning my head to the right since she sat to my left....haha. As the time passed, we talked more and more. By the end of the day, we were already talking like old friends who haven't seen each other for a long time.

    This memory is one of the best because I have made a new friend. Her name is Nancy. She understands me, and now we have become best friends!
Left to right: Nancy, Elizabeth (me!), and Joanne